Nursing Discussion assignment

Respond to the following prompts and, if it's relevant, include your own personal experience

· What are some barriers and challenges to the transition of care from one level to another? Describe at least two. Examples: transition from hospital to primary care follow-up or long-term care to home care.

· Give an example from your experience or the literature of a procedure aimed at improving the process of care transitions. What impact do you suppose it will have on patient safety?

Write at least 2 paragraphs with intext citations and references in APA 7th edition format.

· Choose 

 life stage (adolescents, middle age, or older adults). Based on your readings, personal experiences, and/or research of evidence-based practices, discuss the following:

· What are the priority health promotion assessments for those clients? How would you approach that assessment?

· Would you change your approach to 
teaching health promotion?

Write at least 2 paragraphs with intext citations and references in APA 7th edition format.